The bilingual film titled '16 days' in Telugu and 'Laadam' in Tamil is being directed by Prabhu Solomon. Charmi stars in the film that also introduces Aravind. Produced by P. Mahesh Babu and 'Mana' Chowdary on behalf of Cosmos Entertainments Pvt Ltd the film will be released on the 20th of February.
The post-production work is on at a brisk pace currently.
The producers briefed about the film recently and said "Charmi is playing the character of a girl named Angel. Various incidents that take place in her life, in a span of 16days, is the story line. A mimicry performance by Charmi imitating the stars Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, Vijaykanth, Pawan Kalyan, Ravi Teja, Suneela and others is one of the highlights in the film and is sure to attract viewers. Music is also of high quality. I am Hopeful that the movie will attract all classes of audience and will be successful'.
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