Priyamani’s bikini act in the forthcoming Nithin’s ‘Drona’ is the hottest topic in tinsel town. The heroine debuted to Tollywood with ‘Evare Athadu’ sharing screen space with Vallabhaneni, son of KS Rama Rao, directed by Bhanu Shankar.

The Tamil girl had a bad opening with the dud and again made a comeback with Madan’s ‘Pellaina Kothalo’ starring Jagapathi Babu. The movie gave her a big break in Telugu cinema followed by the super hit ‘Yamadonga’ (NTR) directed by SS Rajamouli.

‘Drona’ is the latest which will hit screens tomorrow on 20th February. Nithin is near starvation for a hit and is troubled by his previous duds. Even though, the movie has a good script, screenplay and action stunts, the film makers seem to be betting high on the glamour part. Riveting stills of Priyamani’s rain dance was a trail for her main bikini act in the movie.

Will Priyamani’s bikini drive Nithin towards the road to ‘El Dorado’? Just wait for a day and watch out for the review on ‘Drona’ to see if Priyamani saved Nithin!

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