‘Adurs’ is the ongoing film directed by VV Vinayak with NTR and Nayanthara in the cast. Kodali Venkateswara Rao widely known as Nani produces it on Vaishnavi Arts banner and B. Vamsi Mohan presents the film.
Latest update is ‘Adurs’ will be dubbed in Malayalam and be released on the same date that of the Telugu version. The lead ladies Nayanthara and Sheela are native of Kerala which is strongly believed to be a highlight for the film’s market in the state.
VV Vinayak known for his mass commercial hits is churning out one more flick for Prabhas that has action, romance and stunts to appeal all classes of audience.
In the season of bikini bandwagon, Nayanthara was the first daring heroine to strip for the Tamil film ‘Billa’ which is reiterated by Priyamani and soon by Anushka. Due to tough contention, Nayan will once more walk elegantly in the revealing outfit for ‘Adurs’.
With most part of the film completed, post production work is now being carried out. Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music and the movie is slated for release on July 9.
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