AVM Production’s ‘Veedokkade’ starring Surya and Tamanna in the lead cast, is directed by cinematographer-director KV Anand which is a bilingual film made in Telugu and Tamil (titled ‘Ayan’). The film will be the 174th production venture of AVM banner by producers M. Saravanan, MS Guhan, Aruna Guhan and Aparna Guhan.
Both the lead stars Surya and Tamanna are acclaimed artists in Telugu and Tamil. This action packed romantic entertainer is the first time this pair shares screen space under the direction of KV Anand, director of cinematography of Rajinikanth’s ‘Shivaji’.
The crew went aboard to Africa and shot some of the songs including a song ‘Nene Nene’ with lyrics composed by Bhuvana Chandra and tunes by Harris Jayaraj. It was canned with Surya and Tamanna choreographed by Dinesh.
For spectacular visualization, stunt scenes were shot in a small island called Zanzibar in Tanzania under the supervision of stunt director Kanal Kannan. After Surya’s ‘Surya S/O Krishna’ and Tamanna’s ‘Konchem Ishtam Konchem Ishtam’, film goers is in for a treat as they will get to see their favorite stars together on screen.
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