Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

Once there was a little girl who, after the death of her parents, went to live near a great woods with her old uncle and his two grandsons. They were rather stupid, but they treated her very well, aside from thinking girls were no good for anything useful.

One day the boys set out together in search of adventure, and were not heard from for a long time; and her uncle became very sad. So the girl, whose name was Belinda, said, "I will go and look for them."

"No, no," said the old man, "you are just a girl. Where they have met danger, what could you do?"

Belinda didn’t want to argue with him, so she just said, "Well, maybe I could find some help, or let you know where they are." So the old man agreed, and gave her a good horse and a purse of gold for the journey.

Belinda rode along the edge of the forest, asking everyone she met about the boys. Soon she found them washing dishes in an inn, for they had foolishly gambled away all their money. From her uncle’s money-bag she paid their debts, and they thanked her kindly. "You’re welcome," Belinda said. "Now, shall we three go in search of adventure?"

Reluctantly the boys agreed. So Belinda wrote her uncle a letter saying all was well, and the three rode on together.

As they rode along, after a while they came to an anthill. The two boys wanted to poke it with sticks to disturb the ants; but Belinda said, "Leave them alone, they have not hurt us." So, to please her, the boys went on.

Soon they came to a lake with many small ducklings swimming in it. The boys wanted to catch the little ducks and cook them for supper; but Belinda said, "Leave them alone, they have not hurt us." So the boys went on, and they found plenty of fruit and mushrooms for supper.

Then they came to a hollow tree with a bees’ nest in it, with honey running out of holes in the trunk. The boys wanted to make a fire and smother the bees with smoke and take all the honey. But Belinda said, "Leave them alone, they have not hurt us." So the boys took only the honey that was running out, and they rode on.

That evening they came to a strange gray stone castle hidden in the deep woods, beyond a still shining lake. No moving thing could be seen. The stables were full of gray stone horses. The door was unlocked, the halls were richly furnished, but no people could be found.

"Well, this is certainly an adventure," said Belinda.

The elder boy laughed. "Fit for a girl, anyway. Nothing is happening!"

Then they came to a little door hidden deep inside the castle, which had three locks on it, and one small window in the middle.

Taking turns, the children looked through the little hole. Inside the room they saw a little grey-haired man sitting at a table. They knocked, once, twice and he did not move; but at the third knock, he came to the door, slowly unlocked all the locks, and came out and bowed to them; never speaking a word.

Silently the little man led them through a carpeted hall to a table loaded with all sorts of good things to eat, and when they had eaten and drunk their fill, he led them each to a comfortable bed-chamber. And by this time they were so tired and sleepy that they all fell asleep without further ado.

Next morning the little man awakened the eldest cousin and took him downstairs, leaving the other two children still sleeping soundly.

Still without speaking, he led him to a glass casket, within which was scroll, only partly unrolled, which said:

There are three tasks, which if done will deliver this castle from its enchantment; and a great reward will be given to the hero who succeeds.

Task the First. Under the moss and leaves of the forest, are scattered a thousand pearls belonging to the Queen. All must be found by sunset of a single day, or the seeker shall be turned to stone.

Upon reading this, the elder cousin rushed out to the woods and began looking for the pearls. He searched all day, but the pearls were so scattered and so deeply hidden under the moss and leaves, that by sunset he had found scarcely one hundred. So as soon as the last beam of sun left his hair, he was turned to stone. All day the middle cousin and Belinda rested in the castle, wondering where he had gone.

Next morning the little man woke the middle cousin and took him downstairs, leaving Belinda still sleeping soundly, and showed him the scroll. The middle cousin too ran out to look for the pearls, but found only two hundred before sunset, and was also turned to stone. When she woke and found herself alone, Belinda supposed that the cousins had decided to go on without her. She spent the day exploring the castle and reading old books in its library, then had another fine dinner and went to sleep.

Next morning the little man woke her at dawn. Without speaking, her led her to the glass casket and showed her the scroll.

"I wonder what are the other tasks," she said. "It would be silly to risk getting turned to stone for the pearls, then find the other tasks were quite impossible."

The little man smiled, bowed, and nodded reassuringly.

"You mean," Belinda said, "that the other tasks are no worse?"

He nodded.

Belinda went outside, saw her cousins’ tracks, followed their trail, and found them both turned to stone. She ran back and asked the little man, "Is there any way I can help them?"

The little man nodded, and pointed at the scroll.

"You mean – if I deliver the castle from its enchantment, my cousins will come back to normal too?"

The little grey man nodded again, and pointed toward the stable with its stone horses, and smiled beseechingly.

"Very well," said Belinda, "I will try."

So Belinda took a sack, put in it the three hundred pearls the brothers had already found, and went out to search in the moss for the rest. The moss and fallen leaves smelled wonderful, but by noon-time she had found only one dozen more pearls, and her back ached, and her fingers were sore with the digging and sifting dirt. "I cannot do this!" she said, and sat down and wept.

As she sat weeping, along came the King of the Ants, whose anthill Belinda had saved from her thoughtless cousins. "What is your trouble?" he asked.

When Belinda told him, the King of the Ants sent word, and soon five thousand ants came and searched under the moss, and it was not very long before the little insects had collected all the pearls and put them in a heap (including the three hundred pearls that her cousins had already found). Belinda thanked them kindly, and they gave her their blessing and departed.

So Belinda put the pearls in the sack and took them back to the little man, who beamed with happiness at the sight. He placed the sack on the glass casket, and at once the scroll unwound to show the following words:

Task the Second: Somewhere in the mud of the lake, is hidden the key to the Queen’s bedchamber. It must be found by sunset of a single day, or the seeker shall be turned to stone.

"How ever am I to do that?" thought Belinda. But she went along to the lake, and there came swimming the little ducks whom she had saved. They dived below and quickly found the key.

Belinda gave the key to the little man, who laid it on the glass casket. The scroll unwound to show:

Task the Third: In the Queen’s bedchamber, she lies sleeping with two of her Ladies in Waiting. You must choose which is the true Queen.

"Well, that might not be so hard," thought Belinda. But when she came to the bed-chamber and opened it with the key, she found three ladies asleep, all so beautiful and wearing such soft white bed-clothes that there seemed no way to distinguish among them.

So Belinda looked round the chamber. On a little marble table were three cups: two of silver, containing the dregs of hot chocolate, and one of gold, containing the dregs of ambrosia and rosewater. "Well, probably the Queen drank the rosewater," Belinda sighed, "but how does that help me find her?"

Just then, through the window flew one of the bees whom Belinda had saved. When Belinda told her the story, the bee at once went and sniffed the lips of each lady, and settled upon the one who had drunk the rosewater.

So Belinda went to that lady's bed, stood straight, and said loudly: "This lady is the Queen!’

At this the three ladies all sat up and smiled at Belinda, and the Queen said, "Welcome to our castle, my dear." Outside, all the stone horses came back to life and began neighing and prancing. The other people of the castle, who had been simply vanished, reappeared also; and all was life and celebration again.

Belinda’s cousins also were restored, and when they ran back to the castle, found a great crowd on the lawn cheering Belinda as their rescuerer. The Queen invited them all to live with her, and even sent for the old uncle as well. She gave him and his sons a nice game-keeper’s cottage; but Belinda she took to live in the castle and gave the title of Princess.

So they all lived happily in great splendor and merriment from then on, and many years later after the Queen’s death, Belinda became Queen in her stead.

The End



Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

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The sun shines on the magic forest. It also shines on a giant oak tree, many centuries old. It’s in this tree that Miri’s family lives. Miri is a young Fairy, she’s very small, barely a few centimeters(A couple of inches) like all the fairies of her race.

Miri and the Gardener Miri loves that tree with the many cavities sculpted with art and dedication. But with the respect for the survival of the living tree, of course.

story130.gif (5743 bytes)The problem is that poor Miri is suffering from a mysterious illness. The magician healer was very upset. He had never encountered any such sickness before. He searched the memory books left by previous magician-healers to no avail unfortunately.

story130.gif (5743 bytes)The little fairy, courageously continued to believe, in spite of her suffering, that she would heal. Winter was long for little Miri who, from her bed entertained her friends. She could not stand sorrow so she kept her morale up. With spring came a hope, as fragile as the eggs in the nest.

story130.gif (5743 bytes)The healer had discovered a cure. But it was the powder that rests on the wings of butterflies. Hundreds maybe even thousands of butterflies,would be needed to harvest sufficient quantities for the medicine for Miri. Miri’s father was at the inn with his friend. He was discussing the problem of which no one seemed to know the solution. It was a sad day for Miri’s father.

story130.gif (5743 bytes)A stranger seated at a neighboring table, approached them discreetly as the custom prescribes. He told Miri’s father; ”I think I can help heal your daughter”.

“Stranger, if you can accomplish that, I’ll give you everything you want”

“I have no need for everything, all I need is work.”

“Are you a healer?”

“No a gardener, if you hire me I guarantee that your daughter will be healed by the end of summer."

The honest tone and truthful gaze in the eyes of the gardener convinced Miri’s father to give him a chance. He had nothing to loose and Miri all to win...

From her window, Miri looked at the gardener work, an old man with the precise movements acquired along a lifetime dedicated to the love of plants. The gardener planted lilac trees in many shades. He even planted unknown plants, bushes and flowers with strange, mysterious names that brings visions of exotic places.

story130.gif (5743 bytes)The old man told Miri that soon, he assured her, it would translate into a symphony of colors and textures that will perfume the air. He had such a pleasurable expression as he said it, that Miri was certain “HE” could smell it already. Miri observed as the young sprout escaped the soil, as the tender green shoots grew. Soon flower buds appeared followed by the most beautiful blooms.

story130.gif (5743 bytes)The gossipers were having a good time. “Shameful, he buys himself a garden while his daughter, poor girl, lay sick and all. Shameful, I tell you.”

story130.gif (5743 bytes)Then one warm day, attracted by the selected flowers butterflies came, more and more of them kept coming to invade the garden. The gardener installed a lawn chairs in the clearing and installed Miri comfortably in it.

Miri received a shower of the powder falling from the wings of the butterflies. The powder was of many colors shining in the sun. The rays of the sun reflected in the fine powder.

story130.gif (5743 bytes)The clearing was bathed in the light and in that light Miri’s healing… In a week Miri was cured. Her delicate wings shone brightly again. Her face had regained her healthy colors and above all her smile was resplendent.

And this is how Miri got her name: “MIRI THE BUTTERFLY FAIRY



Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

One day Rabbit was taking a walk through the jungle and ran into Elephant, who was making a fine meal of the treetops. "Hello, brother," said Rabbit. "Fine day, isn't it?" Elephant paused to look down at the tiny little creature at his feet and snorted. "Leave me be, Rabbit. I don't have the time to waste on someone so small."

Rabbit was shocked to be talked to in such a manner. He wasn't sure what to do so he left quietly to go and think about what had happened. As he walked along, he spied mighty Whale far out to sea and decided to ask her what she thought about Elephant's rudeness. He cupped his tiny paws and yelled as loud as he could, "Whaaaaale!! Come heeeeere!!"

Whale swam over to see who was calling her and looked about. After a few minutes she spied tiny little Rabbit jumping up and down on a cliff. "Rabbit," Whale said impatiently, "Did you just call me over here?" "Of course," said Rabbit. "Just who do you think you are? You are far too small and weak to have anything to say to me." And at that she turned, flipped her huge tail, and set off back into the deep ocean. But just then Rabbit had an idea.

He called out to her one more time, "Whale! You think that I am weak, but in fact, I am stronger than you! You wouldn't be so quick to ignore me if I beat you at Tug-of-War." Whale looked at him for a moment before falling into a fit of laughter. "Very well little one," said Whale. "Go get a rope and we will see who is stronger."

Rabbit ran off to gather up the strongest and thickest vine he could. When he found it, he went to Elephant and said to the giant animal, "Elephant, you had no cause to treat me with such discourtesy this afternoon. I shall have to prove to you that we are equals. Elephant looked down between chews and chuckled. "And how will you do that, small one?" Rabbit stood up as high as he could, looked Elephant right in the eye and said, "By beating you at a game of Tug-of-War." Elephant laughed so hard he nearly choked on his leaves, but agreed to humor the tiny animal. He tied the vine around his huge, hefty waist, snickering the whole time.

Rabbit took the other end and started off into the jungle. He called back to Elephant, "Wait until I say 'pull' and then pull with all of your might." Rabbit took the other end of the rope to Whale and said, "Tie this to your tail and when I say `pull' you swim with all of your might." Whale tied the vine to her tail, all the while smirking at Rabbit's foolishness.

"I will now go and tie the other end to my own waist," said Rabbit, and hopped off into the jungle. Rabbit hid in the bushes and then called out, at the top of his lungs, "PULL!!" Elephant started to walk away with a smile on his face, but the smile soon turned to a look of surprise when the vine stopped following him. "My goodness," he said to himself, "Rabbit is much stronger than I expected!" The look of surprise soon became a frown as Elephant pulled harder and harder, unable to make the tough vine budge any further.

Meanwhile, Whale began to swim away from the shore, but almost lost her breath when the vine pulled tight and refused to come with her. She pulled harder and harder, but she could not pull it any further. "That little Rabbit could not possibly be stronger than me," she said in outrage. Soon the vine could take no more strain and, with an ear-splitting sound, snapped into two pieces.

When this happened, poor Elephant went sailing through the jungle and tumbled head over heels down a steep valley. The end that was tied to Whale caught up to her suddenly and she went sailing through the ocean and smashed into a very scratchy and very uncomfortable coral reef.

Rabbit left without a word and never mentioned the matter again. Elephant and Whale were completely confused and never did figure out how such a tiny creature as Rabbit could have beaten the largest of the animals. And to this day, they are very careful to greet little Rabbit with great respect whenever they mee



Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

Chapter 1

Once upon a time there were two little kids named Jesse and Mary Sue. They were brother and sister. Their mom and dad had divorced years ago. And their dad now was seeing someone else. She was cruel to them behind their father’s back. She said if they got married, she would make their life’s miserable from the moment she said I do”. One day their dad called them into his room. When they got in there he told them to sit on the bed, then he said “there’s going to be a new member in the family and a lot of changes too. What I’m trying to say is I’m getting married”. “What”, they said. "Quite the surprise isn’t it?" said their father. Father you can’t it’ll ruin our family tree said Jesse. Well I’m sorry kids but I love her, before their father could say anything more they ran out of the house and let the door slam behind them.

Chapter 2

After walking a while, they finally stopped and realized they were a long way from home in a part of the neighborhood they had never seen before. There were fairies as beautiful as princesses’ birds with the rainbow colors on their feathers all different kinds of animals, beautiful butterflies and the most unexpected fairies they thought they’d only see fairies in there Fairy Tale books.

It soon became dark, Jesse and Mary Sue had fallen asleep on a rock. When Jesse and Mary Sue woke up in the morning, they saw that all the animals were lying next to them. After they’d been there a while the animals bird and fairies started asking how they found their way there. The children told the truth, they said they’d gotten mad that their father was getting married to a women they didn’t like so they ran away and when they stopped they were there. After telling them that the animals said they were glad they found their way because now they had someone to play with.

Then they introduced the princess of the fairies, her name was Patty. Her dad, the king of the fairies, called her Patty the Pooh. She was very pretty, she had short Blonde hair with a crown made out of gold and an outfit fit for a princess. The princess said she had good news, one of the fairies was going to have a baby fairy. Everyone congratulated her. Then she went on, we found out a few weeks ago but we didn’t want to jinx it. Everyone congratulated her again and went to bed. The next morning she had the baby. She decided to name her Julia. When she turned one and was able to walk Jesse and Mary Sue were still there. It was Saturday when Jesse and Mary Sue were about to leave and then they heard a familiar voice and decided to stay for another night.

Chapter 3

Early in the morning the next day, they heard it again so they got out of bed to see were it was coming from, but on there way out of Fairyland, they woke up. Julia liked to go on adventures so, of course, she wanted to come with them. So the three went to see were the voice was coming from, they followed the voice to a cave and peeked inside. Jesse and Mary Sue could not believe what they saw. It was their step mom, she was talking to someone but they weren’t sure whom it was. Julia knew who it was.

Mary Sue and Jesse asked Julia who their step-mom was talking to. It’s the demon, she replied, he has a son too. When he gets older he’ll do what his dads doing, His dad is very evil. Years ago everybody in fairyland challenged him. They said whoever won got the land and the other person had to go some were else. And the demon lost so he had to move out here. But why would our step-mom be talking to him that sounds really weird. Maybe she’s a demon too, said Jesse. No I don’t think that could happen, said Julia, but maybe because nobody knows who's the little demons mother. Julia continued, we have to get home and warn daddy, Mary Sue said.

Chapter 4

So the next morning they told everyone they had to go, they had to go warn their dad. So they said their goodbyes and were off but then Julia’s mom stopped them and asked if they would take Julia with them, they said they would and then her mom continued, it would be the biggest adventure she ever had. Then Julia thanked her mom and her mom thanked Jesse and Mary Sue and then they told them they would be back soon and then they left fairyland.

Now Julia knew this was going to be the biggest adventure she ever had because she’d never been this far out of fairyland before and she was excited. Jesse and Mary Sue told her that when they were at their house she has to hide and Julia agreed. So when they arrived, Julia did as she was told and hid behind a plant in the living room. In their father’s room they were telling him about who they had seen and were they had seen her, of course, their father, who found this a little hard to believe, welcomed them with open arms but then said I think you two are sick. Come and lay down a while.

Dad! They both said we’re not sick, we really saw her. How could you if she was right here by me the whole time you were gone. The only time she left was when she went to the store and got groceries. We don’t under stand, where is she now she went to get groceries. Fairyland! They both said at the exacted same time. They both ran out the door with Julia following behind them but this time their dad followed them, hoping he would find out what was going on.

As soon as they got there and the dad had a chance to catch up he asked them what was going on, they said that they would explain again later. Then they went to the cave were they had seen her but she wasn’t there. Now their father was beginning to think this was all a joke. When he saw their step mom and his future wife, she was coming out of a secret passage in the cave. Then all four of them went back to the fairies and asked them if they knew about it. The fairy’s said no except one. He said he’d been trying to find out what was

Chapter 5

The door then opened and Mary Sue clinched onto Jesse’s hand so hard it was turning red, the pass way looked like fairyland except there were no fairies. Then! They saw it a golden door but it had a keyhole. Where would they find a key that big, they were puzzled so they sat down to think. Then they all decided to go back to fairyland but when they said the magic password someone they had not been warned about spotted them. He grabbed them by they’re arms and made them walk with him, they tried to escape but he wouldn’t let go. He was the demon’s companion his name was Alfred but everyone called him Al.

He took them to the demon who was being carried on a mattress and all he was doing was eating grapes and giving all the girls he’s phone number, not very impressive if you ask me. Then finally after stuffing a handful of grapes in he’s mouth he said I thought you’d be coming here soon after I saw you two spying on me and that kind lady I was talking to. "She's our step mom and she’s not kind at all."

I never knew kids could be so rude to someone who truly loves them, take them away, take them away said the demon I can’t stand them any longer. Jesse, Mary Sue and they’re Father were handcuffed to a shelf in a closet. Julia was locked in a cage in the corner of the closet but you couldn’t see her because a shirt was covering her. "Maybe there’s a secret hiding place the Demon puts a key in to unlock and lock the door", "Good idea." Julia said. Mary Sue started looking for a piece of wood that would come out of the wall with the one hand that wasn’t handcuffed.

Soon it was late and she still hadn’t found anything and in no time she fell asleep along with her brother, her dad and Julia. In the morning when Mary Sue woke up she accidentally hit the wall when she was stretching. Hey guys, I think I found something she said. It was a loose board, when the board fell out there was a big key behind it. This looks like a key for something very important I’ll put it in my pocket. I think I know what that important thing is, let’s go.

Chapter 6

So they went back to where they had last seen the demon and again found him laying down being feed grapes by all the girls. When they saw him they said we know your plan and we have the key you hid in the room you locked us in "but I have a spare, did you actually think I’d put the key in the same room I locked you in with out a spare", said the demon. While the demon was talking Julia had came up with an idea of her own and was already starting it. She slipped behind the demon and knocked the key out of his hand.

"Actually I did" she said just catching the key in her hand and now that I have both keys your plan is history she added and “we’re off to save fairyland”. Not so fast said the demon, "did you really think I’d fall for that too?" as two guards stepped out from behind the bushes. They were tall demons even taller then the demon and himself. Julia, Mary sue, Jesse and their father all ran as fast as they could, then they saw a cave and ran but it didn’t take to long for the guards to sniff them out, they came running after them.

Then Julia, Jesse, his sister and their dad saw a waterfall, they took their only chance and jumped with a deep breath, but of course Julia flew. When they landed, they swam to the surface and realized they were back where they started at the big door. They put the key in and all the sudden the demon came but they opened the door and they hurried in, before the demon could catch them.

Then all the sudden they know what to do, they said the magic words which were “open pass way” and then they picked a magic flower and put it in the pot they saw in the middle of the room and the flower turned into a liquid which they poured on the demon, his son which turned them into who they where before. The demon was the fairy prince, his son was a normal kid and the guards were mice. As for they’re step mom well this effected her too she came out as a kind lady and said hi I’m sorry if was mean to you before the demon which is now the fairy prince had me under a evil spell, they all forgave her.




Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

One day there were three cats. A white cat, a black cat, and a brown cat. The white cat said "I'm bored. I don't have anyone to play with." The black cat said "I'm bored. I don't have anyone to play with." The brown cat said "I'm bored. I don't have anyone to play with." So they decided to meet at the park. When they got there, they didn't know what to do. The brown cat wanted to roll in the mud, but the black cat wanted to roll in some coal, but the white cat wanted to chase birds. So they had to agree on something. So they agreed to go for a walk. On their way walk they saw a man fixing the phone wires, a man fixing the road, and a man painting his house green. So they stopped walking and started watching him. When he went in to have lunch they knocked over all the paint right on them.
When they got home their owners didn't recognize them, so they met at the park again. The black cat said "We need to think of a way to get in our homes." While they were thinking the black cat thought of a way to get in their homes, to rinse themselves off in the river. So she said " We could wash ourselves in the river and get the paint off of us so that our owners will recognize us." So that's what they did but when they got out they were wet. But when they got home their owners recognized them. The owners were happy to see their cats and the cats were happy to see their owners.



Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

One day a rabbit was in the garden eating carrots. When he was about to go home he saw the farmer. So he needed to hide. But where could he hide? The carrots are under the ground only the leaves were out. He could not hide there but the farmer was coming closer to him, then he had an idea to dig a hole and cover the top of the hole with leaves and twigs and wait until the farmer leaves.
But the farmer did not leave because he needed some carrots to make soup. Then the rabbit had another idea, he would dig under to the lettuce patch and go home, he will get muddy if he did that but if that was the only way to go home he will do it. And that was the only way to go home. So he did it but by the time he got home he was very muddy and tired. So he went to bed. When he got up he took a bath, when he got out he had a nice meal with his famil



Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses
A pilot and his four passengers were on an airplane that was about to crash. The four passengers were Michael Jordan, Bill Clinton, a hippie, and old man. Unfortunately, there were only four parachutes on the plane. The pilot yelled, "I'm the pilot!" and jumped off with one of the parachutes. Michael Jordan said, "I'm the world's greatest athlete!" and jumped off with another parachute. Bill Clinton said, "I am the world's smartest man!" and jumped out of the plane. This left the hippie and the old man alone in the rapidly-descending airplane. "I'm old," said the old man, "so you can have the last parachute." "Nah, that's okay, man," the hippie said. "The world's smartest man just jumped out with my backpack."


The Cows and the Tiger

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

Once upon a time, four cows lived in a jungle. They were fast friends . They were always together. They lived in peace. If any wild animal ever attacked them, all the four of them fought the enemy unitedly and drove him away.

A tiger had an eye on these cows. But he did not dare to attack them as long as they were united.

The cows fell out one day. Each one went separately her own way. Now the tiger had the opportunity that he was looking for. He killed the cows one by one and ate them up.

Moral : Unity is strength. United we stand, divided we fall.


The Eagle and the Crow

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

An eagle had his nest high up on a mountain wall. At the foot of the mountain, there was a tree in which lived a crow.

One day the eagle falled down from his nest and picked up the young of the sheep from the earth. Then he flew high up and returned to his nest.

The crow saw that the eagle had performed the wonderful feat in one go. He thought, “If the eagle can perform this feat, why can’t I ?”

So one day the crow flew as high as he could. Then he falled down with great force. But instead of landing upon a lamb, he dashed against the ground. His head and beak cracked. That was the end of him.

Moral: Thoughtless imitation is foolish.



Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

One day two frogs fell into a pot of milk. They swam round and round and tried to move out. As there was no solid support under their feet, it was not possible for the frogs to move out and escape.

After some time, one of the frogs said, “I am completely tired. I can’t swim any longer. I am giving up.” He gave up and went down to the bottom of the churn. He was died by suffocation in water.

The other frog said. “I will go on swimming. I hope something will happen and save me.”

So he went on swimming. His movements churned the milk and turned into butter. After some time , the frog climbed on the pat of butter and move out of the pot.

MORAL: God helps those who help themselves


Two Pairs of Goats

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

One day a black goat and a brown goat met in the middle of a bridge over a stream. They stood facing each other. The bridge was narrow and only one animal could cross it at a time.

The black goat snarled at the brown goat, "Get out of my way, I say."

The brown goat snarled back, "You blockheaded blackie, move back or else I will throw you into the stream."

They threatened each other for some time. Then they charged at each other furiously. And lo! Both of them lost their balance and fell into the stream below. The swift current of the stream carried them away in deep water and both of them were drowned.

Another time two other goats met on the bridge in the same way. They were sensible and quiet. One of them sat down. He allowed the other goat to step over his body and go ahead. Then he stood up and went on his own way.

Thus, both of them crossed the bridge safely.


Latest today on 31JAN

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses
Comedy actor Nagesh is no more
Veteran comedy actor Nagesh died today due to heart ailment in Chennai. His real name is Gundu Rao. He acted in over 1000 films made in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada. He is basically Kannadiga who migrated to Chennai to act in films. He acted in several black and white and color films. A few of his latest Telugu films include Toliprema (as grandfather of the hero). He is the favorite actor of Kamal Hassan and donned many roles in Kamal Hassan movies. May his soul rest in peace.

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Adhinetha first schedule complete
The first schedule of Jagapati Babu’s Adhineta was completed Bhadrachalam. Srddha Das introduction song was canned with Godavari backdrop. A song was shot in Bhadrachalam temple. Murali Sharma (Athidi fame) plays an important role. The second schedule will start from 2 February. Samudra directs this film. KK Radha Mohan is the producer.



Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

The family star Srikanth did not have any hit in recent as he was presently busy with his ventures and was seriously in a brisk pace to complete hit 100th film to be a hit one with the title “Sontha Ooru” pairing with Thirtha. He is also busy in his next venture “A Aa E Ee” starring with two beautiful heroines Sada in the second lead role and Meera Jasmine in the lead role. Instead Jasmine as the lead one there has been a highlight of the movie is that there had a chemistry of Sada on the family star Srikanth. Sada will be looking in a astonishing way and has her way in a neat manner. The story of the flick is fully based on totally a comedy oriented film. So the makers took a keen interest on the comedy as to improve more they have involved the famous comedians like Krishna Bhagawan, Brahmanadam, AVS, Sunil, M S Narayana and others in different roles. The movie “A Aa E Ee” is been produced by the famous producer Baddam Ashok Yadav and was been directed by the great director Srinivas Reddy.



Saturday, January 31, 2009 1 Response

The mega power star Ram Charan Teja had his debut with the movie “Chirutha” pairing with the debut girl Neha Sharma and has the movie a hit one. He is now pairing with the hot beauty Kajal in his next venture with the title “Dheerudu” and the most of its shooting was been finished

except two songs. The makers were in a way to Paris for the shooting of the songs but the Producer of the flick said no to Paris and finalized to shoot them in the Ramoji Film City. The reason for the change is that the present budget crossed the planned budget and canceled the Paris tour. The movie “Dheerudu” was been Produced by the famous Producer Allu Aravind and was been directed by the well known and the tough task manager SS Rajamouli.


Asin Cool wallpapers

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses


Sweet Anushka Photos

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses


The Silence of the Monsoon

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

Suddenly, the sun disappeared and the rains came crashing down, hitting against the windows. Sangita, who was near the door, came running to the window and peeped out through the stain-glassed window. Her smile turned into a frown and she gloomily took off her shoes and sat back down on her red satin couch.

Her mom walked into the living room and asked Sangita "What happened to you?" Between sobs, Sangita answered, "I was just about to go out to play and it started to rain! It's not fair!"

Sangita's mom embraced her and took her by the hand.
"How about we go for a walk instead?" asked her mom.
"But it's raining so hard." said Sangita.
"We'll dress you up for the rain," smiled Sangita's mother.

Sangita's mother made Sangita wear her raincoat and put on her rainy shoes. They slipped out the door and shot open the umbrella as they walked outside. Sangita held onto her mother's hand and they started walking.

The ground was soft and muddy and the stray dogs and cats hid under some shelter. Sangita observed all the little road-side shops. Suddenly, the wind blew very hard and their umbrella turned inside out. The rain came pattering down on Sangita's head, but her raincoat protected her.

The sweet smell of rain saturated the air. Her mother and she walked through the garden that lay on the corner of the street where they were strolling on. Fresh grass had sprouted and rose bushes covered the area. Sangita picked up a rose up and sniffed it.

"How beautiful was the rain," thought Sangita.

They continued walking and Sangita saw how people walked as quickly as they could, hovering under their umbrellas, trying to avoid the rain as much as they could.

"They probably do not understand how beautiful the rain really is. Thanks for showing me, mom," whispered Sangita.
Her mom smiled and nodded.


How many Crows in the Kingdom

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

One day Emperor Akbar and Birbal were taking a walk in the palace gardens. It was a nice summer morning and there were plenty of crows happily playing around the pond. While watching the crows, a question came into Akbar's head. He wondered how many crows were there in his kingdom.

Since Birbal was accompanying him, he asked Birbal this question. After a moment's thought, Birbal replied, "There are ninety-five thousand four hundred and sixty-three crows in the Kingdom".

Amazed by his quick response, Akbar tried to test him again, "What if there are more crows than you answered?" Without hesitating Birbal replied, "If there are more crows than my answer, then some crows are visiting from other neighboring kingdoms". "And what if there are less crows", Akbar asked. "Then some crows from our kingdom have gone on holidays to other places".


KiCk Movie stills

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses


Cross - A Pictorial Story...

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses


Real Gurudakshina

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses
He remained in the hermitage of his teacher for years together and had his education. After having completed his education he went to pay the fee to his teacher and said, "Sir! having had education from you has given a definite meaning to my life. What is it that I could offer you as your fee."

Gurudev smiled and said, "Dear boy! I have already taken the darkness of your ignorance from you; now what remains to be taken. I only expect you to serve humanity and remove darkness from the face of the earth."

Hearing this the disciple said humbly, "I promiseto observe your command; but still you will have to accept at least something as Gurudakshina."

Seeing the disciple so insistent, Gurudev gave him a flag in black color and said, "Take this flag to all the places of pilgrimage and wash it with the waters of the holy rivers. You should consider having given my Gurudakshina once the black flag turns white."

The disciple obyed his teacher and set out with the black flag. First of all he went to places of pilgrimage in the country which were situated on the banks of the holy rivers. He washed the black flag everywhere but it didn't change its color. He was thoroughly disappointed. Then he went to the other places of pilgrimage; and there also he washed his black flag in the holy waters thoroughly, but all in vain.

Time kept rolling on and thus five years passed. Now he was tired of carrying the flag. He had traveled thousands of miles on foot. Sometimes he used to feel disappointed and think, "Will this black flag become white ever in my life?"

One evening while he was returning from a pilgrimage and was on his way through a forest, he climbed up a tree and sat on a branch with his flag to save himself from the wild animals. He could not sleep the whole night. In the last hours of the night he heard the sound of horses' hooves coming from a distance. And after a short time three men riding on horses came and halted under the same tree. One of them had forced a beautiful young girl to sit on his horse with her hands and feet tied.

The three men dismounted from their horses and made the girl lie down on the ground, and began talking to each other. One, who probably was their chief, asked the other two to go and fetch some drinking water for him, and himself lied down to relax.

The disciple sitting on the branch of the tree was watching everything. It didn't take him time to understand that the three men had actually kidnapped the young and beautiful girl. He felt pity on her. Now it was clear that these three men were robbers.

When the robber lying under the tree began snoring, the disciple climbed down the tree slowly and carefully, and challenged him.

The robber was nonplussed momentarily. But next moment he rushed forth to pick up his sword; but the young disciple was more swift than him. Before the robber could reach the sword the disciple had already taken it in his possession. And death played its role. The robber didn't get another chance. His head rolled down his shoulders, spewing a lot of blood around. Then he whipped the horses and chased them away so that when the other two robbers returned with water, they would not be able to chase him.

Now he untied the hands and feet of the young girl and asked her identity. The young girl said, "I am daughter of a businessman. My father lives on the other side of the forest. These robbers kidnapped me during my marriage ceremony."

"Please come with me. I shall escort you to your house," saying this the disciple climbed up the tree quickly, picked up his flag and climbed down. He made the young girl mount the horse along with him and clapped his spurs to the horse's flanks. The horse was almost flying in the air.

He reached the young girl's house before it became dark. There it seemed as if the whole house had been rocked by an outbreak of violence. Every member of the house seemed woe-begone.

When the young girl described how the disciple had risked his life to get her freed from the clutches of the robbers, everyone became very happy, and her father embraced him with a feeling of gratitude.

By the time he reached the out-skirts of the village, the sun had risen. Suddenly he saw his flag fluttering in the air. He looked at it with his mouth agape.

The rising sun gave him a glimpse of not black but white flag. He looked at it again; this time carefully. His heart was filled with happiness. He couldn't believe his eyes. His black flag had turned white. He remembered his teacher in his heart and said, "Gurudev! You are great. You have completed my education by teaching me to offer selfless service to humankind."


A Worthy Disciple !

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses
In the ancient times students lived in hermitages and took education from the saints and hermits. And these sages and hermits offered them knowledge in different sciences without any discrimination, and made them conversant with every subject. One such religious instructor was Maharshi Gautam. Maharshi Gautam had a great residential teaching institution with hundreds of students studying in it.

Once many disciples of the Maharshi returned to their homes after having finished their education, but one of his disciples, Utank, who had also finished his education, did not get permission to return to his village. Utank also, out of devotion and love for his teacher, did not express his wish to return to his home.

One day Utank was bringing wood from the forest for fuel used for offering sacrifice. He had loaded the bundle of wood on his head. While unloading it many of his hair got caught in the bundle and came off his scalp. He realized that his hair was turning gray. This made him very sad. He began thinking - ’My hair has turned gray and I am still lying in the hermitage.’
His sadness was writ large on his face. During his evening time prayer, Maharshi Gautam saw his sad face and asked “Dear boy! What makes you so sad?”

Utank narrated his plight. Hearing this Gautam was lost in thoughts. He said, “It’s because of my extreme affection for you and your devotion for me that I did not even remember to consider this point. Indeed I have done great injustice to you. The service rendered by you to the hermitage for so long is equal to fee paid for the education imparted to you by me. Now you may go back home and lead the life of a married man. I bless you. The period spent by you here after having finished your education will have no effect on your life span.”

“But, Sir ! I shall be failing in my duty if I didn’t pay my fee. Kindly allow me,” said Utank with folded hands.

“Dear Utank! The grea-*test*-('") fee paid by a disciple is the satisfaction of the teacher in the service received from his disciple. I consider having received my fee. Go and take the blessing of Ahalya, my wife,” said Gautam.

Utank went to his teacher’s wife, Ahalya, and asked for her permission to allow him to pay his fee. Ahalya too was satisfied with the service rendered by Utank throughout this period. So she too allowed him to return without paying any fee.

But when Utank began insisting Ahalya said, “Dear Utank! If you are so insistent you may bring the earrings, studded with gems, of queen Madayanti, wife of King Sudas”

Utank bowed before her and set off to bring the earrings. But when Maharshi Gautam heard this he said to his wife, Ahalya, “Dear Ahalya this is not correct. King Sudas is no more a Brahmin. He has become a demon. You have put his life in danger by asking for the earrings of Queen Madyanti.”

Ahalya said with a smile, “If the education imparted to him in your hermitage is of no worth at this point of juncture, his entry into marital life will also be of no use to him.”

Moving ahead Utank reached a solitary forest. Suddenly a frightening demon came and stood before him. Seeing Utank before him the demon laughed loudly and said, “It’s my great fortune that my prey itself has come before me without my making any effort. Right now I am very hungry and was in search of food.”

Despite seeing so ferocious a demon before him Utankdidn’t fear. He said to the demon with great courage, “O demon! I am going to the capital of King Sudas to arrange the fee of my teacher. I need the earrings of Queen Madyanti. You are not supposed to kill a Brahmin when he is going to arrange his teacher’s fee.”

The demon laughed louder. He said, “I am Sudas. A Brahmin cursed me for a very minor mistake of mine and now I am in this form. I don’t spare any Brahmin.”

Utank said, “I cannot free you from the curse. Yes, but this much I can promise that after paying the fee to my teacher, I shall definitely return to you. It’s my good luck that the fee to be paid by me is with you. Kindly help me.”

The demon said, “Under these circumstances there isn’t anything that I can give you. I cannot even go and tell the queen to give you the earrings. Yes, I am very happy with your truthfulness, and so I spare you for the time being. Go and ask the queen for her earrings. Please also tell her that you saw King Sudas in the form of a demon, and also that I have asked her to give you the earrings.”

Utank set off for the capital and reached there. He met queen Madyanti and explained his purpose. He also narrated his meeting with the cursed king in the forest and also that he had sent a word for the queen to give her earrings. Hearing him speak thus queen Madyanti said, “O Brahmin! I cannot disobey my husband. You may happily take away my earrings. But these earrings are supernatural. If someone puts them on without observing cleanliness, they can be taken away by some demi-god. If someone sleeps with the earrings in the ears, it’s quite likely that the gods will steal them. So you will have to be very careful while carrying them to your teacher’s wife.”

Utank wrapped both the supernatural earrings in a deerskin and set off for the hermitage. While still on his way he felt hungry. He saw a tree laden with fruit at a distance. He tied the deerskin, with earrings in it, to a branch of the tree and began shaking it to make the fruit fall on the ground. During the process the knot of the deerskin loosened. It fell on the ground. Now both the earrings were lying out of the deerskin.
Seeing this, Utank quickly climbed down the tree. But before he could reach the ground, suddenly from nowhere, a cobra, seeing the brilliance of the earrings, came there and taking the earrings in its mouth went into the hole.

Utank felt that he had wasted all his labor, but did not lose courage. He pulled a twig from the tree and began digging the hole of the snake.
Utank got tired of digging the hole but all in vain. It seemed endless. But he continued digging it.

There is a saying, “God helps those who help themselves.” Seeing the determination of Utank, Lord Indra came in the form of a Brahmin and said to him, “Dear boy! This ordinary twig won’t be able to take you to the end of this hole. Put the point of my Vajra on one end of the twig and then dig the hole. This will surely give you success.”

Utank took the point of the Vajra from Indra in Brahmin form and fixed it on one end of the twig and began digging and could dig quite deep into the hole. Utank saw that the inside of the snake’s hole was full of supernatural brilliance of the earrings, and the cobra had coiled around it. But as soon as Utank advanced to take the earrings the cobra began hissing violently spreading its hood. Utank raised the twig, with the point of Indra’s thunderbolt on one end of it to hit the cobra. The cobra saw that it was Lord Indra himself standing behind Utank to help him and got frightened. He left the place and quickly went away from there.
Utank picked up the earrings and again wrapped them in the deerskin. He returned the point of the thunderbolt to Indra who had come there in the form of Brahmin. Lord Indra smiled and said, “Go dear boy! You journey may complete without any hindrance.”

Utank reached the hermitage and giving the earrings to his teacher’s wife, Ahalya, he offered his salutes. Maharshi Gautam and Ahalya praised him for his courage and giving their blessings they permitted him to go home.
Utank said, “Sir! I have to fulfill one more promise before going home,” and then he gave a detailed description of King Sudas in the form of a demon.
Hearing this Maharshi Gautam became worried. He said, “Dear boy! Why are you yourself going into the mouth of death. This time you have survived, but now if you go before him, you are sure to be devoured by him.”

Utank said with a smile, “Sir how can I deviate from the path of truth from fear of death?”

Gautam only said, “As you wish.”

Utank set off again and reached the same forest. Seeing him the demon appeared and stood before him. Utank said, “O King of demons ! Having done the duty of paying the fee to my teacher, I have returned to fulfill my promise. Now you may fulfill your desire.”

The demon saw Utank standing before him. He found him fearless and detached. Slowly the demon began changing his form. And after some time he returned to his original form of King Sudas. He folded his hands before Utank and said, “O Brahmin! You have freed me from the curse with your truthfulness. I had asked the Brahmin, who had cursed me, for a remedy, and he had said - ’One day a truthful Brahmin will come, and without caring for his life he will offer himself to be eaten by you in order to fulfill his promise. And that will be the moment when you will be freed from the curse.”

Utank blessed King Sudas and proceeded in the direction of his home. Now he had to enter Marital life and settle down.


Fitting Master Movie Review

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses
Movie: Fitting Master
My Rating: 3/5
Banner: EVV Cinema
Music: S Chinna
Cinematography: Prasad Babu
Fights: Ram Lakshma, Vijay
Story, Screenplay, Production, Direction: EVV Satyanarayana
Cast: Allari Naresh, Madalasa Sarma, Shayaji Shinde, Sudha, Chandramohan, Saira Banu etc
Release Date: 14th Jan 2009



Sampath (Allari Naresh) is an orphan who works in a gym center. He hates love between a young man and young girl and keeps on opposing that in public. This catches the attention of an arrogant rich girl Meghna (Madalasa Sharma) who challenges her friends that she could pull him in love and make him a puppet around her. Her attempts fail all the while. Then she falls in his love in real. But still he denies her. Then Meghna takes the help of her brother to convince Sampath. In a surprising incident when Meghna's brother approaches Sampath, latter kills the former. Why he killed? What are his motives? That forms the rest of the story. It ended up as an age old revenge drama.

Artists Performance:

Allari Naresh didn't leave his trade mark style of dialogue delivery and instant punches but since the film happened to be a serious flick, the scope for humor is less. But Naresh got a scope to portray seriousness and revenge this time.

Madalasa Sharma is like any other Mumbai girl. She has delivered average performance. She is there for glamour in full dose indeed.

Chandra Mohan and Sudha are there for melodrama and Saira Banu is there for a long pathetic episode. Sayaji Shinde maintained mannerism of singing songs from old films as per situation.

Others are just ok. Music is above average a couple of songs 'Tappusodara..', 'Vennelavo..' really pleased the ears.

Dialogues by Tadi Balaram and Satish Vegesna are apt and rightly grooved in.

Appearance of lyricist Vanamali before a song in his real-time character is interesting.

EVV has chosen an outdated narration, although the subject is universal.

Final Analysis:
It's like tasting sour in the name of sweet. The title 'Fitting Master' with Allari Naresh in it would obviously give an impression that it is an out and out comedy entertainer. But it is not so. It's blended with melodrama, weeps, shouts, fights and all sorts of ingredients that a serious film possesses. Although the maker of the movie attempted to give a message to today's youth those are falling in love and marrying without the consent of parents, the title and expectation didn't match. It is true that audiences those love to laugh on the occasion of festival will walk into theatres to watch this film. But they will be disappointed for watching a serious movie with scattered comedy.

And it is not a film for Allari Naresh, at this juncture. Although EVV tried to bring an image make over for Naresh, this film didn't serve the purpose as it's made with obsolete content.

The film may get some initial mileage in B, C centers but on a whole it cannot be considered a wholesome entertainer.


Mast Movie Review

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses
Movie: Mast
My Rating: 1.5/5
Cinematography: Srinivas Reddy
Story ,screenplay & Direction: S V Krishna Reddy
Art: Jaya Prakash
Executive Producers: VRK Rao, Suresh
Editing: Nagi Reddy
Produced: Zee Motion Pictures
Cast: Shivaji, Srinivas Reddy, Ali, Siva Balaji, Anchal, Sunil, Brahmanandam, Uttej, Raghu Babu etc
Release Date: 23rd Jan 2009



Visually impaired youngsters Siva (Shivaji), a deaf (Srinivas Reddy) and normal guy Pandu (Ali) are good friends
and they live together. They meet a beautiful orphan Anupama (Anchal) and give shelter to her. In the mean time, Siva falls in love with her. But there is a twist in the tale. She actually is running away from a goon called Bahadur (Mukul Dev) who pressurizes her to love him and she has a lover too.

Total Analysis:
S.V.Krishna Reddy who lost his magic long back comes with Mast this time to regain his past glory. But the movie clearly proves that SVK is still languished in early 90’s and his style of narration is clichéd and boring. The film’s story is copied from Bollywood film - Tom Dick and Harry (2006) which itself was remake of Tamil movie 123. Only basic point is taken for it and changed the story (if there really exists?) with old-styled jokes, half-baked scenes.

Not a single scene in the movie is praise worthy. Most of the movie seems like a street play. Nor are the performances are good. Technically too it is substandard.

Sivaji does overboard in the role of blind person and he looks like a buffoon most of the time. Ali and Srinivas Reddy try hard to create laughs but their weak characterization has no scope for it. Newcomer Anchal shows off her assets but she doesn’t have grace. Mukul Dev (of Krishna fame) does a guy of sadistic villain and he is okay.

Director SV Krishna Reddy might have directed some memorable movies in the past but his flicks in the recent times are scaring the audiences. Of all his recent bad movies he delivered, this one takes the cake.

Finle Analysis:
Mast is an entirely avoidable film. A big bore. No two ways about it. One wonders how does corporate company Zee Motion pictures okayed this dumb script.


Ravi teja's Kick With 20cr Budget

Saturday, January 31, 2009 1 Response
[kick.jpg]Ravi Teja and Ileana would be seen together again after Khatarnak in the Kick, the film is a high budget film with a Rs20cr budget and the producers are hoping the film would do great with the presence of the hit pair of Ravi Teja and Ileana.
Kick again would be the usual Ravi Teja mass entertainer, with mass elements, foot tapping music, and super fast comedy. Ileana would bring up the glamour element.Audience expectation would be again to see Brahmanandam to be pairing with Ravi Teja for the comic elements, an item song with a Mumbai based model is also on the cards for the film. Let us all wish Ravi Teja and the rest of the unit of the film a grand success.
Ravi Teja and Ileana would be seen together again after Khatarnak in the Kick, the film is a high budget film with a Rs20cr budget and the producers are hoping the film would do great with the presence of the hit pair of Ravi Teja and Ileana.
Kick again would be the usual Ravi Teja mass entertainer, with mass elements, foot tapping music, and super fast comedy. Ileana would bring up the glamour element.Audience expectation would be again to see Brahmanandam to be pairing with Ravi Teja for the comic elements, an item song with a Mumbai based model is also on the cards for the film. Let us all wish Ravi Teja and the rest of the unit of the film a grand success.


Ravi Teja to Enter Poltics?

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

[ravi+teja.jpg]Ravi Teja's birthday fell on the 27th of January and it was celebrated with some annadanam programs. The programs were conducted by his fans, the news up to now seems all okay except that the most enthusiastic of his fans were from Karimnagar district who took part in the annadanam programs with great vigor.
It is usually actors who have interest in entering politics who initiate such programs to create an image for themselves in the public.
Is Ravi Teja gradually making small moves to enter politics? The actor is in his mid 40's and his career as a hero is not beyond a few more years, are these moves baby steps for the inevitable Political arrangetram?
Ravi Teja's birthday fell on the 27th of January and it was celebrated with some annadanam programs. The programs were conducted by his fans, the news up to now seems all okay except that the most enthusiastic of his fans were from Karimnagar district who took part in the annadanam programs with great vigor.
It is usually actors who have interest in entering politics who initiate such programs to create an image for themselves in the public.
Is Ravi Teja gradually making small moves to enter politics? The actor is in his mid 40's and his career as a hero is not beyond a few more years, are these moves baby steps for the inevitable Political arrangetram?


Konchem Ishtamga.. Konchem Kasthamna on Feb. 5th 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0 Responses

Konchem Ishtmaga… Konchem Kashtamga is ready for the release and the movie is going to hit the screens in February 5th 2009. This movie is going to release on the said day and the time has been declared as 1Pm.the producer Nallamalupu Bujji considers this time as an auspicious and so is planning to release the film on said date and time.

According to sources, the movie has been carved into a breezy entertainer and will a super hit. Chocolate faced Siddharth is pairing with angel faced Tamannah and the movie is directed by Kishore who is making his debut as the director with this film.

The music of this film is already a hit and is composed by music Director Shanker Ehasaan.

