Starring Varun Sandesh of ‘Kotha Bangaru Lokam’ and Vimala Raman in the lead cast, ‘Evaraina Epudaina’ directed by Marthand K Shankar has completed filming the talkie portions and songs are now being canned. Producers M. Saravanan and MS Guhan of the prestigious production house AVM Productions are making the film.
The crux of the film is based on an interesting plot that will be a treat for the youngsters. It will be a sensible entertainer sans any masala elements. On the whole, the film is made to cater to the family audience in entirety, according to producer Saravanan.
The think-tank behind AVM Productions being in the production industry for over 75 years is now planning to make many more films in Telugu following ‘Evaraina Epudaina’. The film is slated for a release in the month of March.
Mani Sharma has composed the music for the lyrics penned by Veturi, Vennelakanti, Bhaskar Bhatla, Rehman and Krishna Chaithanya.
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