Mahesh Babu, the prince of Tollywood is gearing up to entertain his ardent fans with the upcoming ‘Varudu’. Trivikram Srinivas’s ‘Athadu’ was a super hit for Mahesh which was a slick, action entertainer in pure prince style. Followed by the outstanding technical wonder, the duo is all set to ‘GO’ after a long wait, on 18th with this new film.

Singanamala Ramesh will be producing the film on a high caliber to cope up with Mahesh Babu’s image on Kanakarathna Movies banner. The shooting is being said to kick on from Hyderabad and later move on to Rajasthan for a lengthy schedule.

Well acquainted news is Parvathi Melton shares screen space with Mahesh. Trivial scoop is Mahesh Babu’s wife Namratha will design the costumes for the heroine and look after the make-up for the artists. As it has been officially confirmed now, everyone eagerly awaits ‘Varudu’ to begin shooting and arrive in time to appease the starved fans of Mahesh Babu
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