The critically acclaimed film ‘A Wednesday’ directed by Neeraj Pandey in Hindi has captivated interest from Kamal Haasan, and he has made plans to remake the film in Telugu and Tamil. At First, Mamooty was under consideration for the role played by Anupham Kher but recent reports have confirmed Mohanlal will be taking up his place.

Based on the terrorist activities in India, ‘A Wednesday’ with a brilliantly executed storyline and an impressive star cast like Nasseruddin Shah, Anupam Kher in the lead, made waves amongst the audience.

The film won 3 Star Screen Awards for Best Story and Best Debut Director for Neeraj Pandey.

Kamal Haasan’s production house Rajkamal Films International and UTV Pictures will be making this as a joint venture. The distribution rights for the Telugu version is still for the take and a strong contention is on to bag the rights
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