new version of ‘Maro Charitra’ starring Varun Sandesh and Anita in the lead was launched on 19th February at producer ‘Dil’ Raju’s office premises. Presented by Sri Venkateswara Creations Pvt Ltd, ‘Dil’ Raju produces the film on Matinee Entertainments banner. The film will be directed by debutant Ravi Yadav, an erstwhile cinematographer in Bollywood.

K. Balachander made ‘Maro Charitra’ in 1979 starring Kamal Haasan and Saritha in the lead cast. The romantic love story had a massive impact on the audience of those times and was later remade in Hindi titled ‘Ek Duje Keliye’.

The newer version will be made simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil. First schedule of the shooting will be carried out in the U.S. while the second will be done at Hyderabad and Vizag. Mickey J Mayer of ‘Kotha Bangaru Lokam’ is once again composing music for Varun Sandesh’s movie. He has completed four of the proposed six songs for the film. The super hit tracks of yesteryear ‘Maro Charitra’, composed by MS Viswanathan for the lyrics penned by Athreya still lingers in the mind of the audiences and it’s a challenging task for the new composer to do justice for the tunes.

Other important cast includes Yami Gautam, Pratap Pothen, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Oorvashi, Naresh, Thalaivasal Vijay, Sandhya Janak, Adarsh.

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