Prince of Tollywood Mahesh Babu’s most awaited film in combination with Trivikram Srinivas, has arrived on the floors on 25th March. The regular shooting began at Annapurna Studios. Presented by S.Satya Rammurthy, it is the second production of Singanamala Ramesh on Kanakarathna Movies banner.

Mahesh Babu in a talk said “Followed by a hit like ‘Athadu’ in our combination, Trivikram has narrated this storyline to me. The theme has inspired me a lot and we are passionately working on this movie. It is designed with multiple elements on very high standards to amuse the viewers and fans.”

Anushka who made to the top recently with ‘Arundhati’ and much talked about film ‘Billa’ plays the lead lady. Incidentally she has replaced Parvathi Melton from this role. First time working with Mahesh, she is very happy about the film in the direction of Trivikram.

Aiming to create a sensational hit in combination of Mahesh and Trivikram, producer Singanamala Ramesh has decided not to compromise in making.

The first schedule began on 25th March and will continue till the end of June, during which half of the movie will be completed. A special village is built at Gandipet with an expense of two crores for this shooting schedule. Similarly an expensive Rajasthan Temple set is also being constructed.

Shaping up as the most expensive movie in the history of Telugu Cinema, the unit will tour Namibia in South Africa in July, Rajasthan in August for shooting and the locales of Italy in September to film the songs. It is planned to complete post-production works in October and November and get ready for release by December.

Mani Sharma has rendered many chart busters like ‘Rajakumarudu’, ‘Murari’, ‘Okkadu’, ‘Athadu’ and ‘Pokiri’ for Mahesh Babu. He is set to score yet another musical hit for this film.

The supporting stars in this film include Prakashraj, Brahmanandam, Sunil, Venu Madhav, Ali, Nazar, MS Narayana, Dharmavarapu Subrahmanyam, Tanikella Bharani, Shafi, Sudha, Sriranjani.

Photography is by Sunil Patel, Art direction is by Ananda Sai, fights designer is Vijayan, Stills by Das. Jasthi Hemambar and Ravi kiran are the associate directors.

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1 Response to "Mahesh-Trivikram’s film begins production"

  1. telugu movies list Said,

    its really good combination trivikram going to show his dialouge power with prince

    Posted on November 9, 2011 at 2:40 AM

