Aditya Productions, the production house of popular industrialist Konda Krishnam Raju is one of the famed companies in Tollywood. Famous for extravagant movies made, the first production itself was a high budget flick titled 'Vijayendra Varma' starring Balarkrishna in the cast. Then, 'Sri Ramadasu' came as their production no. 2 casting Nagarjuna, directed by K. Raghavendra Rao. After a short gap, the maker has announced the company's pipelined films for 2009.

Konda Krishnam Raju addressing the media people shared the news that Aditya Movies will make two films this year and related additional info about the forthcoming films.

The first film goes to the floors on 5th May. Based on an offbeat story this will be directed by a debutant maker. The schedules in the month of May will be continued for seventy days, in the rural areas of Tiruchur district in Kerala. The lead cast will comprise of popular stars while the heroine will be a new entrant from Telugu native. The plot is about a unique village and their unfamiliar, funny custom which will be new for the film goers. The film is a parody to be made as an end-to-end entertainer. Gautham Raju does the editing work. More details on the cast and crew will be announced soon.

The second production is a big budget film featuring a star hero. This production no. 4 of Aditya begins in the month of November. As of now, we are yet to finalize the other details about this film, concluded Krishnam Raju.

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