‘Sontha Vuru’ starring Raja of ‘Anand’ and Theertha in the main cast is directed by P. Sunil Kumar Reddy. The film is produced by Kishori Basireddy and Ravindra Babu on Shravya Films banner. A press meet was organized at the company’s office to relate the news about the movie’s release date on February end.
Actor Raja said, “I am very happy and excited to be a part of this project because this will be my first release in 2009. For the first time, sans any hero image I have underplayed the character in a fresh script and I am eager to know what audiences feel about it. By seeing the characters and plot, people can relate themselves to the feel on screen associated with their nativity. Even though the film is based on a native village, the director has made it to suit global standards. Theertha is an alumnus of Film Institue, Pune and a talented actress. Comprising of many senior artists, I hope audiences will like the film based on a good script.”
Director Sunil Kumar speaking about the movie said that it’s an emotional drama which has a storyline depicting that albeit us being urban residents our root cause goes to the native rurality.
Producer Ravindra Babu announced that efforts are on to release the film by the end of this month. Heroine Theertha expressed her gratitude to the makers for offering her the role, and said that this will be her first film after passing out of the film institute.
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