Dr. Rajasekhar is quite busy in the works of his upcoming release ‘Satyameva Jayathe’ directed by Jeevitha. In complete contrast to the cop story comes, ‘Naa Style Veru’ starring Rajasekhar and Bhumika in the lead cast, directed by G. Ram Prasad and produced by Maganti Gopinath on Disira Productions banner. The entire talkie portions had been completed in the schedules with an exception of two songs. Presently, dubbing work is being carried out.

According to the director, ‘Naa Style Veru’ is based on a fresh story line which is about a person who lives carefree in his own style. His attitude towards life and people changes drastically, when a girl comes into his life and the incidents that follow carry the story ahead. Characters have been portrayed different from the usual and the protagonist’s charm will be new on screen.

Rajasekhar in a completely fresh attire and style will sure woo the viewers, say the crew.

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