Actor Vikram exhibited his talents in hit films like ‘Sethu’, ‘Sivaputhrudu’ and ‘Aparchithudu’ which were widely liked by Telugu audience. His association with big time directors Bala and Shankar resulted in stupendous hits. ‘Mazaa’ directed by Rockline Venkatesh promoted him as a commercial hero.
With ‘Mallanna’ directed by Susi Ganesan fast shaping up, expectations are at a high rise among filmgoers and industry people. Made in Telugu and Tamil simultaneously, the film is being produced by Kalaipuli S. Thanu on V Creations banner.
Kamal Haasan in his magnum opus ‘Dasavatharam’ did ten different characters and wooed the masses. Competing with the actor, Vikram is said to be appearing with 12 different getups in ‘Mallanna’. Based on the economic difference that prevails in the society, the story is based on the robinhood style of amassing riches from the wealthy and helping the poor.
‘Mallanna’ is in the making for almost two years now and let’s see how far it copes up with the expectation level.
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