Andhra Pradesh Government announced the recipients for 2007 NTR and Raghupathi Venkaiah awards. Popular artist, writer, director and producer Dr. Dasari Narayana Rao will receive the NTR National Award for 2007 and popular producer Tammareddy Krishna Murthy will receive the Raghupathi Venkaiah Award for 2007. The selection committee formed by the three member guild of judges appointed by the state government comprising of Balaiah, ArjunRaju and GiriBabu has made the final selections for these honorary awards.
Government of Andhra Pradesh is presenting the NTR award to Dasari Rao for his outstanding contribution for over four decades in different facets of cinema as an actor, writer, lyricist, director and producer. He had also served as a journalist, an administrator in APFCC along with various other organizations related to cinema and also a politician.
Raghupathi Venkaiah award honors Tammareddy Krishna Murthy for his services as a social worker. Although he shot to fame as a popular producer with the hits produced on his Ravindra Art Pictures banner, he is an ardent philanthropist. A profound thinker compassionate about people and an atheist, industry people feels he truly deserves it.
During the upcoming Nandi Awards function, the NTR Award recipient will be felicitated with 5 lakhs in cash, a memento and citation. The Raghupathi Venkaiah awardee will be honored with 50 thousands in cash, a Golden Nandi, a Gold Medal and citation.
President of MAA Murali Mohan and the Secretary of MAA Ahuthi Prasad expressed their happiness over the news. NTR made a visit to Dasari’s residence to express his wishes personall
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