Nagarjuna’s last ‘King’ directed by Sreenu Vaitla swooped box office records and became a notable hit. D Sivaprasad Reddy produced the film on Kamakshi Kalaa Movies banner. The film has successfully completed 50 days of screening and is briskly progressing towards the 100 day mark.
Earlier, he announced that he will refrain himself from signing up films for 2009. As Nag Chaithanya entered the industry, Nagarjuna wished to be his side and support him. But, rejuvenated by King’s success, Nagarjuna has already signed up for a film to be produced by Kamakshi Kalaa Movies. Impressed with the one liner narrated by young director Parashuram, Nagarjuna selected him for his next film. With few corrections to be made, Parashuram is building up the script to suit the taste of Nag’s fans.
Rumor mills worked over time revealing the news that after okaying a subject told by one more young filmmaker, Nagarjuna has lined up the film for his next after Parashuram’s. The director had earlier worked for Mahesh Babu’s films and is now busy preparing the script in detail.
Official confirmation is yet to be unveiled but this could be the clue for us to predict whether Nag might work under the direction of this unnamed debut director
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